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Living Life, One Day at a Time

Living Life, One Day at a Time

Whether you're in recovery or not, the mantra"one day at a time"can help to keep

your feet on the ground. Really, our only option is to take things one day at a time.

But, some days, living life one day at a time can feel incredibly frustrating. We want

to be "better" or "recovered" or changed in some way right now. Daily progress feels

slow. We get impatient. Why can't the bright future you imagine just be here already?

Instant gratification is only short-lived happiness. Our deepest satisfaction comes

from consistent work and daily effort. A true metamorphosis, an authentic transformation,

takes time.

Embrace the process of change - whether you're new to recovery or years and

decades along in the journey. No one is static. Every person is every-changing. You

have compiled countless experiences, mistakes, and achievements that make you

who you are today.

This moment right now is shaping who you will be tomorrow. So, enjoy it.

Live it. One day is full of a million chances.

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